Tuesday, January 24, 2012

For Everyone's Sake...

I am sure that I am not alone when I say that I am getting very tired of trying to decipher what people are saying on the internet. I may have made mistakes, but I do try my hardest not to make them. I am not saying that I have never purposely spelled things incorrectly or unnecessarily abbreviated a word that didn't need to be. I use to do that all the time, when I was in HIGH SCHOOL! I am not just speaking of the younger people, I am talking about people older than myself. It makes me sad, because I know that spelling was very important in their schooling and the internet wasn't as big when they were in school, so this really goes to show how much the internet has affected us. Many people blame their phones, but I am sure that taking the 3 extra seconds to look it over and edit a few words isn't going to harm your day. Many of the things that people type don't even mean what they are using it for. For example: ppl does not stand for people it is an abbreviation for the word participle. Don't believe me? Look it up. I would like to challenge all who read this to spell, type, and speak correctly for an entire week, when you're online, talking to friends and family, or texting. I bet not many people can do it. For the sake of our literacy and the future of literacy, take this challenge! I know that I will be.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A New Year...

With the new year, many people make resolutions to better themselves and their lives, less than half of those people follow through with what they say. My New Years resolution is to always follow through with what I say. No matter how small or big that task or promise may be, I am going to follow through. I would like to challenge all who read this to do the same, adults and children alike. If you say or promise something, follow through. This is surprisingly challenging for a lot of people! Now on with 2012, I hope it is filled with adventure!
