Sunday, February 26, 2012


Today is just another day, with a dash of boredom. So, I decided to write another post. Not about anything in particular. This past week has been a very active and fun week. On Tim's 3 days off we did quite a bit. On his first day off we picked up the new PS Vita, and it is an amazing device! Definitely something every portable game player should have!!! It's very easy to use and has so many cool features! On his second day off we went to Knott's Berry Farm. It was pretty fun, except for the ride Ghost Rider. That is the most awful ride I have ever been on! I don't mean "Oh that was a boring, lame ride." This is the ride who's slogan should be, "Ever wanted a reason to go to the chiropractor, or possibly your doctor?" I understand that it is a wooden roller coaster, but oh my goodness!! At the end of the ride I felt like all my vertebra were out of place. I will never be riding that ride ever again! Too painful! On his third day off we went to the movies. We saw the new movie Wanderlust. It was a good movie, at least I thought so. If you don't mind naked people then you may like this movie. All in all, it was a good week :) Now it's back into the swing of work (for Tim anyways). Hopefully I will be joining the working life soon! Have a beautiful day everyone!