Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Still waiting...

Well, mom and DJ made it down safely and in very good time. We decided to go to Disneyland yesterday since it was Lilly's due date, in hopes that the walking would help Lilly decide to join the party. Well, the Disneyland magic just wasn't working right yesterday. Besides getting swollen, nothing happened. Today we had another doctor's appointment, and Lilly still isn't going to be joining us too soon. The doctor said that my cervix is still closed. So, lots of walking for the next couple of days, hoping that will speed up her arrival.

I am definitely ready for my daughter to join us here. Sleeping is near impossible at the moment, which really doesn't bother me, except that I am in quite a bit of pain most of the night. I can handle lack of sleep, and waking up to feed and change baby won't be a problem, because I won't be in pain like I am now. That's the hardest part right now is the pain during sleep. Other than that I had a very nice pregnancy.

The first 3 months were the hardest because of the "morning" (all day) sickness. I was getting sick in the morning, and at work, and at night. That was definitely not fun! Fortunately, the "morning sickness" didn't return in my later months, like I have heard is very common. I didn't really have any weird or constant cravings. I wanted sandwiches more often than usual, but that was about it. The weirdest thing, in my opinion, that happened was part of my hair turned red in the beginning of my pregnancy. The, now, light brown natural highlights that I have in my hair were red for a good 2-3 months. I found that weird. I had heard about your hair getting thicker and healthier from the vitamins, but not changing color.

Well, it's about time to go on a walk and hope this process gets started up soon. What was the weirdest thing that happened during your pregnancy? Have a beautiful day everyone!

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